Filipino Martial Arts Curriculum

Yellow Belt

  1. 12 angles of attack (3 variations: follow through, recoil, and stop)
  2. Block-check-counter on 1 (two variations) and 2 (stick and open hand)
  3. Single sinuwali–thumb-index connection, 4 weapon modes
  4. Disarms 1 and 2
  5. Stick versus empty-hand applications
  6. Forward and reverse triangle, with above

Orange Belt

  1. Double sinuwali
  2. Figure 8 striking pattern – 4 weapon modes
  3. Reverse (upward) figure 8 – 4 weapon modes
  4. Stick form 1 Anyo Isa
  5. Disarms 3 and 4
  6. Block-check-counter on 3 through 12
  7. Belt versus empty-hand applications
  8. Extended forward and reverse triangle

Purple Belt

  1. Anyo isa empty hand (with bunkai)
  2. 8-12-8 drill
  3. Banda y banda drill
  4. Disarms 5,6
  5. Single stick striking flow (pekita tirsa drill)

Blue Belt

  1. Redondo sinuwali
  2. 8-count sinuwali
  3. Trapping hands 3-count
  4. Rompeda
  5. Up and down striking
  6. Disarms 7 through 12
  7. Anyo Dalawa (Stick)

Green Belt

  1. 2 on 1 sinuwali – 1 through 5
  2. 6-count drill
  3. 6-count to sinuwali and back
  4. Counters to disarms 1 through 4
  5. Abanico corto and largo
  6. Block-check-abanico on 1 and 2 (Sifu Brian’s drill)

Brown Belt

  1. Single stick flow switching–right-left, left-right
  2. Simbrata
  3. Empty hand form 2 Anyo Dalawa, with Bunkai
  4. Abicedario (obstruction removal block-check- counter, stick and empty-hand)
  5. Sinuwali boxing
  6. Knife applications of all previous

Black Belt

  1. Trapping hands with hook punch, 4-count
  2. R-R series
  3. L-R series
  4. Passing drills with knife
  5. Empty-hand sinuwali with joint locking